Nela Kačmarčik-Maduna

Feminine Economic Literacy

In contrast to the conventional understanding of economics, which is founded on the concept of limited resources and competitiveness, the concept of feminine economic literacy seeks to benefit from the creation of new values, collaboration, and partnerships for the purpose of impact.

The need to promote economic literacy is what drives a sizable portion of this website. In order to facilitate a fundamental understanding of economics and business, it is vital to acknowledge the possibility of monetizing one's knowledge, talents, and potential.

Taking into consideration the viewpoint of women, this paradigm is founded on the concept that the economic empowerment of women is beneficial to all individuals. In this section of the website, the materials that are offered communicate about the fundamentals of management, sales, and marketing.

These resources are presented in such a way that they reveal the interconnections and interdependencies that exist between these three disciplines. Beginning with the fundamentals of the knowledge economy, marketing of intangible qualities, and the essential business duties that must be performed in order to achieve effectiveness, this section of the materials places a particular emphasis on the significance of gender from the perspective of a woman.

White Papers: Feminine Economic Literacy